
Stating the Facts About Real Estate

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Stating the Facts About Real Estate

Buying real estate can be a really good investment. There are a few different approaches you can take. Many people choose to simply buy themselves a home and pay into the mortgage over time, building equity. You could also buy an apartment community or a couple of homes to rent out, profiting from the rent, and then profiting again when you sell the homes. Regardless of which approach you take, it is important to know the facts. This blog is a good place to find them! We state the facts on real estate, and we cover a wide range of topics for your benefit.


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Why It's Okay To Buy A Home During The COVID-19 Outbreak

Have you been looking into buying a home, but now the recent COVID-19 outbreak has you a bit worried if now is the time to do it? Here are some reasons why now could be a good time to buy that house you've finally found.

Interest Rates Are At Historical Lows

One reason why people are interested in buying a home is to take advantage of the historically low interest rate. It is quite possible that you will never be able to borrow money for a home this cheap again, and buying a home is one of the best ways to take advantage of it. You'll be able to lock in a good interest rate on your mortgage, and potentially make your monthly home payment as cheap as it can be.

Mortgage Payment May Be Suspended 

It is very possible that the government is going to suspend mortgage payments as a form of financial relief for everyone affected by COVID-19. If you do plan on purchasing a home in the near future, this could mean that you will not have to make a mortgage payment for quite some time. This can definitely help you get into a home now and build up your savings for future home payments. 

Housing Is Necessary

You are always going to need a roof over your head, no matter if it is renting or buying property. While it may not seem like a good time to buy a home, know that it is always something that you will need. Looking at it from this perspective can make such a big purchase seem practical rather than something you should avoid.

Real Estate Increases In Value

Know that real estate tends to increase in value over time, making this not only a home, but an investment for the future. There will come a time when you are ready to sell your home, and it's possible that it will be worth more than what you paid for it. As hard as times may seem right now, things will get better.

Think you're ready to buy a home? Talk about it with a real estate agent to get their much needed help. People are not going to be willing to host open houses in the current situation, but it will still be possible to arrange showings with motivated sellers in your area that are trying to sell their home. 

For more information on purchasing a home during these times, contact a real estate agent in your area.